Miamisburg (G)

Miamisburg (G)
January 29, 2017
Miamisburg, OH
Elementary Color Guard
Miamisburg Elementary Guard
77.690 (1)
Franklin Elementary Wildkittens
74.160 (2)
The Belles and the Beaux
69.250 (3)
Northmont Wee Bolts Winterguard
66.350 (4)
Junior Color Guard
Bellbrook Middle School
70.420 (1)
Franklin Junior High Winter Guard
66.530 (2)
Northmont JV Guard
62.160 (3)
Springboro High School Winterguard (JV)
61.960 (4)
Scholastic Regional A
Fairfield High School Varsity Winter Guard
64.590 (1)
Walter E. Stebbins Varsity Guard
60.850 (2)
West Carrollton High School Winter Guard
57.460 (3)
Troy HS
54.050 (4)
Xenia Winterguard
52.450 (5)
Edgewood High School Winterguard
52.120 (6)
Ross High School Winter Guard
51.390 (7)
48.890 (8)
Blanchester Winterguard
48.190 (9)
Carlisle High School
45.220 (10)
Scott High School Winter Guard
43.990 (11)
Milton-Union Varsity Winter Guard
42.360 (12)
Beavercreek High School Scholastic AA Winter Guard
48.320 (1)
Scholastic A
Northmont High School Varsity Guard
62.020 (1)
Beavercreek High School
60.450 (2)
Archbishop Alter High School Winterguard
57.880 (3)
Miamisburg A Guard
57.020 (4)
Carroll High School Winter Guard
56.490 (5)
Lebanon High School Winterguard
55.720 (6)
54.720 (7)
Springboro High School Winterguard
54.150 (8)
Lakota East Varsity Winter Guard
47.890 (9)
Elder High School Winterguard
45.020 (10)
Exhibition A
Miami Valley Adaptive Color Guard
0.000 ()